So, 2011....
I wasn't happy when the ball dropped this year. My husband who is active duty Army is deploying to Afghanistan very soon. I won't say when due to OPSEC. But I'm really mad about it. Actually more frustrated really. This is his 3rd deployment since January 2007. In that time we have PCS'd twice, and he's had about 7 - 8 months of schools too. It's tiring - all I want to do is live a semi-normal life where I can actually relax and not feel like I have to do everything by myself. It's heartbreaking for the kids too. We haven't told them yet about this next deployment, although I think today is the day.
Now don't get me wrong. I love living in America. I love the military. I love the stable job and the healthcare. I love getting to meet new people and experience so many new things. I love moving. I love being an Army Wife. It's just not sunshine and roses all the time.
Anyway, here's a few things I am going to try and do this year. First I'm going to continue my journey to get healthy again. I need to lose a bit of weight - I've gained a lot since Mikey was born. I'm working on it, but I need to have time to myself. If that means getting a gym membership, and putting my kids in childcare for a few hours a week, then I'm not going to feel guilty. I need time to myself without feeling pressured to be home by a certain time. That's not fair on me, and fair on my kids. I need to do things like see a chiropractor or get a massage, buy new clothes, shoes or make up, and get my hair done...because that will make me feel better. I'll be more positive and be a better Mom. It's not selfish - it's making life better for everyone.
Also - I'm begining to love to cook. I was scared for the longest time, being married to a cook, but out of necessity I've been the cook since deployment number 1. (If anyone tries to tell you that work hours are better as a Warrant - it's crap. Just saying). So I am going to cook my little toucas off this year!!
I am going to travel too - I can't wait to see my Drummies over the summer!! I love these girls!! They truly know me. We can laugh and cry together, and even though we're split up around the country, they will always be the first people I will turn to if I need to cry or celebrate. I know that they will never judge me or turn against me. So that means a trip to Colorado...or Minnesota...or South Carolina...or Missouri...or all of the above!! How freaking cool!!
Oh, and I am going to try to blog everyday, even if it's just a picture. I'll start off with the 30 Day Photo Challenge. And I'm going to be honest too. I'm so paranoid about offending people but why? If you actually give a crap about me you won't be reading this. If you're a good person and don't do dodgy things then you don't have anything to worry about. If you're a dick and hurt me or people that I care about, then expect to be written about.
So here's to 2011. You may potentially suck, but I'm determined to keep positive and have a great year!!
Hugs Rach! My NYR is to bring my sexy bitch back. That it, I feel so much better about myself when I can have a little time to paint my nails, etc. Especially now my kids are older. Mine have nearly always been in daycare of some description and while it wasn't ideal, Jake especially LOVED it. he still sees some of the kids he was in care with and they are great mates. Do it. and don't feel you have to justify yourself!