Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 16: Who inspires me??

A picture of someone who inspires me???  Ahhhh...Ummmm....there are a lot of people I want to be like and model myself after.

I want to be kind, giving and witty. A lot less socially awkward.  I would love to walk out the door being dressed appropriately.  I want to be fit and healthy. I want to feel beautiful but not fake.


Bwahahaha!!!  So I want to be a little like Roxy with her balls and ability to get it done.  Pamela is so feisty but SMART.  I identify most with Denise, minus the cheating part and husband who is a bit of an idiot. And Claudia Joy - I wish I could be classy like her.

Fortunately there are many people in my life which fit these descriptions in many ways - Jenn and Maggie come to mind. And it's something I can work on.  I need to take time to look after myself, and I'm the FRG leader so that is making me put myself out there so hopefully I can kick this social anxiety.  So I'll get there!

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