Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Major Leagues

So I admit it.  I know nothing about baseball. Especially about the uniform...who would've thought that there are special baseball socks and shoes... But as of Monday I am now learning.  Mikey has started Tee-ball and so far he LOVES it.  Monday nights practice was just doing simple things like learning what the bases are, and learning how to catch a rolling ball in the glove and snapping down on it with the other hand like an alligator. 

His team is called Arizona State....which has to be the wierdest name ever for a North Carolina county team, but whatever.  And his coaches are great.  They are very patient and kind, yet firm and are all about the kids mastering the basics. And believe it or not, all the parents are awesome too.  We just sit down and watch, laugh at them when they are just messing up and being cute, and are just really nice people.  So far there isn't the parent at the side lines who is trying to be a coach.

Mia has taken to being a cheerleader.  Today the parents got involved and rolled the ball to the kids. And Mia would run up to us  and jump up and down saying "Good Job Monkey!!"  I have to give her props to being motivating.

Todays practice involved batting for the first time.  Mikey was first up.  Now, he's awkwards at the best of times, but trying to get him in the right position and stay like that was just funny.  And he did good hitting the ball and running to 1st base....and then when the ball was thrown to 1st base he thought it would be a good idea to get the ball instead of the kid fielding on that base.  Just plain funny.

The other kids had mixed results too.  Many had Forrest Gump moments where the got to 1st base and then kept running in a straight line.  Others decided to run in the wrong direction, or half way to first and then turn around and run back to home plate. Some were great at hitting the ball, and others were great at hitting the tee.

I know that the kids will improve so much and develop a love for the game and I can't wait to see them grow.  I wish Jeremy were here to watch too because he would be such a proud Daddy.  I guess lots of pictures will suffice.

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